CGI Timeline

Jan 2024

CryptoGuard Insurance Platform Launch

Officially launch the CGI Platform without blockchain automation by opening registrations to the public. Identify users interested in participating in the beta testing of the automated blockchain features and transparently communicate the upcoming blockchain automation and the opportunity for beta testing.

Feb 2024

Month 2: Initial User Onboarding

Onboard users to the CGI Platform. This allows CGI to begin collecting user data for those interested in beta testing.

Mar 2024

Month 3: Evaluation and Feedback

Gather insights from initial platform users. Assess the level of interest and commitment from potential beta testers.

Apr 2024

Month 4: Confirm Beta Testers

Finalize the list of beta testers for the blockchain automation phase. Communicate expectations and benefits to beta testers.

May 2024

Month 5: Developer Hiring

Using the delegations to CGI Insurance Pool, begin the hiring process for blockchain developers while outlining technical specifications for the smart contract based on initial platform insights.

Jun 2024

Month 6: Smart Contract Development

Commence the development of the smart contract for blockchain automation. Establish connections with Uniswap, set up addresses, KYC, and launch platform research (if used).

Jul 2024

Month 7: Smart Contract Testing

Conduct extensive testing of the smart contract and address any identified issues then refine the code.

Aug 2024

Month 8: Integration with CGI Platform

Integrate the developed smart contract with the CGI Platform, and ensure a seamless user experience between the platform and blockchain automation.

Sep 2024

Month 9: Beta Testing for Blockchain Automation

Launch a beta version of the blockchain automation for the selected testers. Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments once deployed.

Oct 2024

Month 10: Full-Scale Blockchain Automation

Release the fully automated CryptoGuard Insurance on the Ethereum mainnet, then implement a robust marketing campaign for the automated platform.

Nov 2024

Month 11: Monitoring and Optimization

Continuously monitor the smart contract and user interactions. Optimize as needed based on user feedback and system performance.

Dec 2024

Month 12: Future Planning

Plan for additional features and policy expansions in the automated system and explore partnerships and collaborations within the blockchain and insurance industries.
